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12 days agoMiriam S. Founder + Chief Strategist from SaddleRock Strategies Added Articles At Work Tune Up
At Work Tune Up
Hi, it's Miriam. Welcome back to the At Work Tune Up, your insider’s playbook with practical, quick, tips on how to improve your team dynamics, keeping things healthy and productive at work.We spend a lot of time at work. We should love what we do.Integrate - This week's tip for your toolboxDon't be afraid of conflict conversations. Allow yourself and your team to walk right into them. When done right, it's not personal; unpacking and exploring different approaches to our work helps us move our work forward. Watch this 2 minute video to see how Patrick Lencioni describes the Conflict Continuum and how valuable it is. If conflict conversations are not happening - if people are too nice - mine for conflict so that it happens. How do we do tha
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12 days agoMiriam S. Founder + Chief Strategist from SaddleRock Strategies Visited listing Saddlerock Strategies
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1 month agoSarah K. Director of Admission and Enrollment Management from Falmouth Academy Visited listing Saddlerock Strategies
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6 months agoMissy S. Marketing & Content from Truth Tree Visited listing Saddlerock Strategies
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6 months agoChristopher P. Chief Program Officer from Steppingstone Visited listing Saddlerock Strategies
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6 months agoLuke S. Associate Director of Admissions from Aiglon College Visited listing Saddlerock Strategies
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6 months agoRobin P. Enrollment Management Specialist from FACTS Management Company Visited listing Saddlerock Strategies
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7 months agoStacy S. Director of Enrollment Management from St. Vincent Pallotti High School Visited listing Saddlerock Strategies
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1 year agoMiriam S. Founder + Chief Strategist from SaddleRock Strategies Added Articles Beyond the Tour
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1 year agoJim H. Owner, Photographer, Brand Architect from Peapod Design Followed SaddleRock Strategies